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money box 錢箱。

money broker

At about 4 . 50 pm , two security guards , while escorting a money box containing $ 1 . 9 million , were attacked by three men armed with a knife and a black pistol - like object outside a goods lift near a betting centre in po lam estate shopping arcade 約下午四時五十分,兩名護?員在押送一個載有一百九十萬元現金的錢箱時,在寶林?商場一間投注站附近的一部貨運升機機外被三名持有利刀及黑色類似手槍物體的男子襲擊。

For some were supposing , because judas had the money box , that jesus was saying to him , “ buy the things we have need of for the feast “ ; or else , that he should give something to the poor 約13 : 29有人因猶大帶著錢囊、以為耶穌是對他說、你去買我們過節所應用的東西或是叫他拿甚麼?濟窮人。

Driver : it ' s eighty cents for adults and thirty - five cents for children under twelve . don ' t use bill , and drop the exact fares into the money box after getting on the bus 司機:大人八十美分,十二歲以下的小孩三十五美分。不要用紙幣,上車之后把錢數整好的硬幣投入收款箱中。

Driver : it ' s eighty cents for adults and thirty - five cents for children under twelve . don ' t use bill , and drop the exact fares into the money box after getting on the bus 司機:大人八十美分,十二歲以下的小孩三十五美分。不要用紙幣,上車之后把整好金額的硬幣投入收款箱中。

It ' s eighty cents for adults and thirty - five cents for children under twelve . don ' t use bill , and drop the exact fares into the money box after getting on the bus 司機:大人八十美分,十二歲以下的小孩三十五美分。不要用紙幣,上車之后把錢數整好的硬幣投入收款箱中。

Keep your ill - humor at home in your money boxes , or , since you have clerks whom you pay , vent it upon them . 你的壞脾氣,帶到你的銀行里去吧。那兒有著你花錢雇來的職員,去向他們發泄好啦。 ”

My money boxes are my pactolus , as , i think , m . demoustier says , and i will not retard its course , or disturb its calm 我的銀行就是我的財源之流,我可不愿意阻滯它的流動或擾亂它的平靜。

If fifty pence pieces are not exchanged for sweets , they rattle for months inside money boxes 若50便士沒有換作糖果的話,這些錢幣的叮當聲可以在儲蓄罐里響徹數月。

If fifty pence pieces are not exchanged for sweets , they rattle for months inside money boxes 如果50便士不拿來換糖吃,則可以放在儲蓄罐里叮當響上好幾月。

The money box . money 錢盒.錢

Only very thrifty children manage to fill up a money box 但是能把儲蓄罐裝滿的只有屈指可數的幾個特別節儉的孩子。

My nephew , george , has a money box but it is always empty 我的外甥喬治有一個儲蓄罐,但總是空空的。

Only very thrifty children manage to fill up a money box 只有非常節儉的孩子才能灌滿儲蓄罐。

This isn ' t a bus , it ' s a money box . a money box 看來這不是巴士完全是錢箱,一個錢箱